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(내 맘대로) Straight Edge Hardcore Songs Top 5

스트레잇 엣지는 하드코어펑크의 하위문화 중에 가장 알려진 하나일 것이다. '음주/담배/마약/무분별한 성관계' 멀리하는 비정상(?)적인 정상인들은 주로 자기들끼리 모여 밴드를 결성하는 경향이 있는데 이번 포스팅은 본인이 좋아하는 스트레잇 엣지 밴드들 노래 가장 즐겨듣는 베스트 5 트랙들을 순위 상관없이 골라보았다

01. xAFBx - xTrust And Believex

현존하는 스트레잇엣지 레이블 가장 강성하면서 하드라이너적인 곳을 꼽자면 Seventh Dagger 뽑지 않을수가 없는데, xAFBx (Armed For Battle) 세븐쓰대거를 대표하는 밴드로, 본곡은 2007 발매한 My Life, Your End 끝을 장식하고 있다. VSE(Vegan Straight Edge) 밴드들 가장 폭력적인 분위기를 조성하기로 유명한 Reno (라스베거스 동네) 시티 하드라이너 밴드였던 이들은 2008년에 나온 일본의 L2G 캘리포니아의 WOP와의 3 Way Split 발매 해산을 발표했다.

'Just let me go down, 

my own road Till the fucking end 

my x's go Down with me 

Deeper than my own grave 

Further than you could ever see 

Since you sold out, 

you proved Your fucking weakness, 

just a train Wreck to the end, 

sell out From the beginning 

Fuck your regrets 

This one life 

I live I won't throw Away, 

all you ever wanted was a Life of misery 

Straight edge 

Goes deeper than my grave 

Straight edge 

There's no other fucking way'

02. Earth Crisis - Firestorm

사실 xAFBx 꼽기 전에 밴드를 먼저 꼽는게 예의가 아닐까 싶지만... 어쨌든 VSE 씬의 폭력적인 성향을 가장 대표하는 밴드는 단연 Earth Crisis 꼽을 밖에 없으며 이들로 인해 시라큐스(315HC) 씬의 폭발적 성장을 있었다. 빠르기만 하던 하드코어펑크에 메탈을 적극 융합한 Mosh-able 사운드는 이후 Another Victim, Santa Sangre, When Tigers Fight, Unholy, Darker Day Tomorrow 등등 수많은 밴드들의 탄생으로 이어지게 되었으며 시라큐스 패밀리 트리를 그려나가게 된다.

'Street by street. 

Block by block. 

Taking it all back. 
The youth's immersed in poison-

turn the tide counterattack. 

Violence against violence, 

let the roundups begin. 
A firestorm to purify 

the bane that society drowns in. 

No mercy, no exceptions, a declaration of total war. 
The innocents' defense is the reason it's waged for. 
Born addicted, beaten and neglected. 

Families torn apart, destroyed and abandoned. 
Children sell their bodies, from their high they fall to drown.
Demons crazed by greed cut bystanders down. 
A chemically tainted welfare generation. 
Absolute complete moral degeneration.
Born addicted, beaten and neglected. 
Families torn apart, destroyed abandoned. 
Children sell their bodies, from their high 

they fall to drown. 

Demons crazed by greed cut bystanders down. 
Corrupt politicians 

corrupt enforcement, drug lords and
dealers; all must fall. The helpless are crying out. 
We have risen to their call. A firestorm to purify.'

03. Youth Of Today - No More

Youth Crew Hardcore 처음 주창한 밴드, Veganism 기반으로 스트레잇 엣지에 대한 인식을 크게 키운 밴드가 바로 YOT 스트레잇 엣지 하드코어 맵에서 80년대 Minor Threat 함께 최상위층에 있어야 되는 밴드기도 하다. 해산 이후 Better Than Thousand, Shelter, CIV, Judge 등등 수많은 하드코어 밴드를 이어나가게 되는데 88 Youth Crew 씬은 하드코어펑크 역사에서 가장 빛나는 황금기였다고 한다.

'Meat eating flesh eating think about it
so callous to this crime we commit
always stuffing our face with no sympathy
what a selfish, hardened society so
No More
just looking out for myself
when the price paid is the life of something else,
No More
i won't participate 
we've got the power we've got the might
to take whatever is in sight
not even worried, it's an unfair fight
well we've got a heart to tell us what's right
our numbers are doubling in 88
cause the people are starting to educate
themselves their friends and their families
and we'll have a more conscious society'

04. The First Step - Something Inside

88 Youth Crew Revival Youth Crew 97 잇는 2000년대의 유쓰크루/스트레잇엣지 밴드의 아이콘, TFS EP, Open Hearts and Clear Minds 포문을 여는 . /내관 양쪽 유쓰크루/스트레잇엣지를 2000년대에 새로이 부활시킨 밴드로는 단연코 첫번째에 이름을 올려야 것이다

아쉽게도 2008년에 발매한 Connection EP 마지막으로 밴드는 해산하고 말았다.

'Looking back in a short time,

I KNOW I'm not afraid to scream and shout, because I know what we're about. 
Solid ideals combined with my friends, 

forever growing in my heart and my head. 

Some say the core has seen better days, 

but it's still alive in so many ways. 

When we play there is something inside; from the music, the message, and the stage dives!

Open hearts and clear minds. 
And we're going to KEEP IT ALIVE! 
And that's not just hype; despite all our problems we can't lose sight. 
Because the scene will never survive if you treat hardcore like it has died. 

I know it's easy to care when the scene is on top and there is so much there. 

But our chance is now, our days are real. 

We've got to see this through and that's the deal! 

Open hearts and clear minds. 

NO, I won't play that game, where the clothes make the person and we all look the same. 

RIGHT NOW, I have no fear, 'cause the kids will see the truth and not how it appears'

05. Have Heart - Something More Than Ink

보스턴은 예로부터 하드코어펑크에서 빼놓을 없는 도시로, 스트레잇엣지 밴드들이 많이 등장한 도시기도 하다. Have Heart 한장의 LP 월드클래스에 오르게 되는데 바로 Bridge9에서 발매된 The Things We Carry 이다. 철학적비유와 은유가 넘치며 내면성찰적인 가사는 많은 스트레잇 엣지들의 가슴을 두드렸고 밴드가 전세계를 투어 돌게 되는 계기를 만들어준 앨범이기도 하다.

'just take a fucking good look at just what you did;
you set a raging fire in the heart of a kid. 
your words and the message you sent are held 
in my heart as they burn inside my head.
burns, it's burning inside my head, even if 
you chose a different path to tread. 
i guess it was something inside, it was something more to us. 
so you chose a different path from the one you once set.
that's just the cycle of life so take your steps ahead.
that doesn't change one thing in my life
i'll never cease to keep your words alive. 
because i still believe in what was said
i'll hold on to the last thread
i still believe in what was said
your absence doesn't bring my values death 
i guess it was something inside, it was something more to us.
a "hero's fall" can never change what i think
because at the core of my heart this is something more than ink.
Something more than ink....
On a page, on a shirt, on the back of my hand.
Something written in stone, words we wrote in stone.'



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